FPC Mission work bridges the congregation's fellowship and outreach activities. The members of First Presbyterian Church put a high value on not only hearing the Word, but also doing the Word. We believe that "faith without works is dead," we believe that when we fold our hands in prayer we should see dirty fingernails and calloused hands, and we believe that the Good News of Jesus Christ addresses the full spectrum of human need: physical, emotional, as well as spiritual.
Food Pantry
In a land of plenty, no one should have to go hungry. The Food Pantry at FPC is, for many, a welcome alternative to prospect of hunger. Often it is a mother seeking groceries for her family, at other times it is a homeless person just looking for a can of beans and a few crackers. The Food Pantry ministry is supplied through food and monetary donations by church members, and groceries supplied from Midwest Food Bank. The Pantry is open Fridays from 8:00-9:00 AM.
Clothing Closet
Our Clothing Closet works in partnership with the Food Pantry and is also open Fridays from 8:00-9:00 AM. Nice used clothing, shoes, and accessories are available for a variety of ages.
Mesa Presbyterian Ministries - This innovative ministry does most of its work by providing housing and utility assistance to the working poor, with help also available for food and medical needs. A needs assessment is completed by interview with each potential client. If aid is approved, a plan is developed often in concert with other agencies in the community. Over the past twenty years, MPM volunteers have interviewed over 2,000 local families and have contributed over $1,000,000 in assistance. Mesa Presbyterian Ministries is a qualified 501c3 charitable organization under the Arizona Welfare Reform Act of 1998. Under certain conditions individual gifts up to $400 can be deducted from Arizona state income tax. For more information, please contact MPM administrator Jack Oliver at 480-534-0017.
In the fall and spring, we hold special events for our neighborhood friends and families!
Your tax-deductible gift to FPC may be made by clicking the "SERVANT KEEPER" icon to the left, or by sending a check to: First Presbyterian Church, 161 N. Mesa Dr., Mesa, AZ 85201. Checks should be made payable to First Presbyterian Church with memo notation "General Fund" or a special ministry of the church ("Mesa Presbyterian Ministries", "Artist Series", etc.). Thank you for supporting the local and outreach ministries of FPC!
FPC is host to a federally funded Head Start program for students of low-income families.
Registration is required for morning and afternoon classes. More information is available by calling our Head Start office at (480) 969-7914.
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