First Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). First established in 1947, FPC Mesa has maintained an important ministry to the community and beyond.
The church provides many of the things usually associated with a downtown congregation: strong, biblical preaching; a high commitment to music and the arts; and a passion for those in need.
We value worship, hearing the Word, enjoying and praising God through music, celebrating what we believe, sharing our walk with Jesus and striving to be a place where all people can belong.
Members of all ages love being together with each other and with our neighbors. Whether worshiping together, praising and celebrating through music, breaking bread, or working together in mission, we strive to be welcoming to all, valuing everyone.
We celebrate what we believe by putting our faith into action through activities that care for our neighbors (near and far) while manifesting the gospel. Through these activities we invite them to come into a closer relationship with Christ, ourselves and each other. Current activity examples are the Food Pantry/Clothing Closet, MPM, community dinners and neighborhood festivals.
We nurture and grow our relationship with Christ in many ways. Those include Bible Study, Bible-centered worship, teaching our youth, sharing with others our faith walk with Jesus, and caring for each other and our neighbors.
Come and Visit - First time visitors to FPC are often impressed with our friendly, welcoming congregation. This warmth spills over into all aspects of the church’s life, as we meet together as a congregation and in small groups.
Get Involved - FPC offers many ways to get connected with others in our congregation and community. Take a look at the Activities and Groups page link below to see what you can participate in. There are a number of opportunities for fellowship, growing your faith, or just for fun.
You can become a member in one of three ways:
Contact Pastor Christian Johnson, at if you are interested in participating in our next New Members Orientation class.
©2025 First Presbyterian Church, Mesa, Arizona - All Rights Reserved. FPC Policies & Procedures.