First Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). First established in 1947, FPC Mesa has maintained a lively witness as it has grown alongside the city itself.
The church provides many of the things usually associated with a downtown congregation: strong, biblical preaching; a high commitment to music and the arts; and a passion for the working poor.
Also found here are many things usually associated with suburban congregations: a range of activities for young and old alike.
Please explore this web site for more information, or call the Church Office at 480-964-8606, or drop by for a visit with one of our staff.
GET TOGETHER - First time visitors to FPC are often impressed with the friendly, welcoming congregation. This warmth spills over into all aspects of the church’s life, as we meet together as a congregation and in small groups for fellowship, food, and just good plain fun!
GET CONNECTED - FPC offers many ways to get connected with others in our congregation and community. We join together through music, fellowship, and discipleship and through FPC Mesa's missional activities, including I-HELP (a program for women who are homeless), the Food Pantry, Mesa Presbyterian Ministries (a rental and utility assistance program), and the Clothing Closet.
AND GROW YOUR FAITH - Growing as “disciples making disciples” takes many forms at FPC Mesa. Child-friendly Worship, child & adult Sunday School classes, and spiritual-growth opportunities during the week all work together to promote a thirst for God, foster spiritual growth, and Build God’s Family.
Join us for worship on Sunday mornings @ 10:00 in the Sanctuary!
Love God
Follow Jesus
Serve in Spirit
As followers of Jesus, we will love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our minds, and we will love our neighbors as ourselves and serve them in the name of Christ.
Matthew 22:37,39
People may become active members in one of three ways:
Contact Pastor Christian Johnson, at if you are interested in participating in our next New Members Orientation class.
©2024 First Presbyterian Church, Mesa, Arizona - All Rights Reserved. FPC Policies & Procedures.